
क्रमांक शीर्षक डाउनलोड / विवरण प्रकाशित तिथि
81 Competitions on the occasion of Republic Day (26th Jan.2021) डाउनलोड (264.26 KB) pdf 25/01/2021
82 Covid Awarness - Hoarding - WO PM - Hindi डाउनलोड (1.13 MB) pdf 22/11/2020
83 Covid Awarness - Hoarding - WO PM - English डाउनलोड (685.48 KB) pdf 22/11/2020
84 Covid Awarness Pledge Hindi डाउनलोड (101.85 KB) pdf 22/11/2020
85 Link to apply KVS Incentive Award विवरण 24/10/2020
86 Advertisement Matter Hindi & ENGLISH- filling up of the post of Superintending Engineer on deputation in KVS HQ डाउनलोड (205.48 KB) pdf 24/10/2020
87 Provision for filling online RTI u/s 7(1) of the RTI Act(Life or Liberty) डाउनलोड (366.91 KB) pdf 14/10/2020
88 के.वि.सं., क्षे.का., रायपुर : -आर.टी.आई एक्ट -2005 की धारा 7 (1) (जीवन या स्वतंत्रता) -हिंदी संस्करण-(पत्र एवं अधिसूचना) दिनांक 12.10.2020 डाउनलोड (364.7 KB) pdf 12/10/2020
89 Status of Candidates 2nd round for Admission for Session 2020-21 in K V Bijapur.pdf डाउनलोड (559.46 KB) pdf 09/09/2020
90 Admission Notice and forms for Vacant seats after first phase. डाउनलोड (838.25 KB) pdf 30/08/2020
91 Lottery Results for Admission in Class I डाउनलोड (4.41 MB) pdf 11/08/2020
92 Status of Candidates for Admission in Class-II to VIII Session 2020-21 in K V Bijapur.pdf डाउनलोड (1.22 MB) pdf 30/07/2020
93 Admission form for Class-II to Class-VIII and other documents.pdf डाउनलोड (1.38 MB) pdf 20/07/2020
94 Helpdesk for KV Bijapur Admission 2020-21. डाउनलोड (159.81 KB) pdf 20/07/2020
95 Notice regarding admission for session 2020-21 डाउनलोड (620.19 KB) pdf 18/07/2020
96 KVS Admission Guidelines 2020-2021. डाउनलोड (406.87 KB) pdf 17/07/2020
97 KVS Headquarters Admission Notice 2020-21(Bilingual) .pdf डाउनलोड (92.32 KB) pdf 17/07/2020
98 KVS Admission Schedule 2020-2021. डाउनलोड (906.92 KB) pdf 17/07/2020
99 Panel of Part Time Contractual Teachers for the Session 2020-21 डाउनलोड (418.67 KB) pdf 09/03/2020
100 Time Table for Session Ending Examination 2019-20 डाउनलोड (201.72 KB) pdf 29/02/2020
